Experiencing and witnessing racism in any of its forms has traumatic effects that can build up with time and repetition. Resources to help Black people and other people of color care for their mental health through the trauma of racism are listed below.
- Academics for Black Survival and Wellness an organization of Black counseling psychologists and their colleagues who practice Black allyship.
- Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective (BEAM) is a training, movement building, and grant making organization dedicated to the healing, wellness, and liberation of Black and marginalized communities.
- Black Girls Smile Inc. promotes positive mental health for young African American girls.
- Black Mental Health Alliance develops, promotes, and sponsors trusted, culturally-relevant educational forums, trainings, and referral services that support the health and wellbeing of Black people and other vulnerable communities.
- Black Mental Wellness provides access to evidence-based information and resources about mental health and behavioral health topics from a Black perspective, highlights and increases the diversity of mental health professionals, and decreases the mental health stigma in the Black community.
- Eustress raises awareness on the importance of mental health in underserved communities, allowing individuals to identify and overcome challenges to achieve a healthier and productive lifestyle.
- Inclusive Therapists aims to make the process of seeking therapy simpler and safer for all people, especially marginalized populations.
- Melanin and Mental Health connects individuals with culturally competent clinicians committed to serving the mental health needs of Black & Latinx/Hispanic communities.
- National Organization for People of Color Aganist Suicide, founded by suicide loss survivor, Dr. Donna
- Barnes, works to reduce the stigma of suicide prevention among communities of color through training and advocacy
- Sista Afya Community Mental Wellness sustains the mental wellness of Black women through building community, sharing information, and connecting Black women to quality mental wellness services.
- The AAKOMA Project helps diverse teenagers and their families achieve optimal mental health through dialogue, learning, and the understanding that everyone deserves care and support.
- The Loveland Foundation provides financial support for therapy for Black women and girls.
- The National Queer & Trans Therapists of Color Network (NQTTCN) is a healing justice organization
- committed to transforming mental health for queer and trans people of color (QTPoC).
- Therapy for Black Girls is an online space dedicated to encouraging the mental wellness of Black women and girls. ( Twitter | Facebook | Podcast )
- Therapy for Black Men is a directory to help men of color in their search for a therapist. ( Instagram )
- The Unapologetic Guide to Black Mental Health: Navigate an Unequal System, Learn Tools for Emotional Wellness, and Get the Help You Deserve by Dr. Rheeda Walker
- 12 Books on Mental and Emotional Health by Blackety Black Folks, a reading list by Alexander Hardy
- Black Men and Depression by John Head
- Black Pain: It Just Looks Like We're Not Hurting by Terrie M. Williams
- My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies by Resmaa Menakem, MSW, LICSW, SEP
Online Resources, Apps, and Social Media
- Decolonizing Therapy Instagram and Twitter : Resources on healing ancestral trauma compiled by Dr. Jennifer Mullan, clinical psychologist and community organizer.
- Depressed While Black: An online community, blog, and video hub for Black mental health.
- Grief is a Direct Impact of Racism: Eight Ways to Support Yourself: An article by global health professor Roberta K. Timothy.
- Healing in Action: A Toolkit for Black Lives Matter Healing Justice & Direct Action: A guide by Black Lives Matter Healing Justice Working Group on preparing for action, self-care during an action, and restoration and resilience after an action.
- Melanated Social Work Instagram and podcast: Mental health resources, information, and discussions created and curated by four men of color in the social work field.
- Mental Health Tips for African Americans to Heal after Collectively Witnessing an Injustice: A self-care video by Brandon J. Johnson, M.H.S.
- Racial Trauma and Self-Care in Tragedy: A resource list by University of North Texas.
- Racism and Violence: How to Help Kids Handle the News: A conversation between Kenya Hameed, PsyD and Jamie Howard, PhD of Child Mind Institute.
- Representation Matters in Social Work: We Need More Black Therapists by Relando Thompkins-Jones
- Sharing Hope: Speaking with African Americans about Mental Health an hour-long presentation that can help increase mental health awareness in African American communities by addressing a number of important topics | NAMI
- The Safe Place : A minority mental health app geared specifically towards the black community.
- 44 Mental Health Resources for Black People Trying to Survive in This Country | By Zahra Barnes, Self Magazine
The Impact of Racism & Trauma on Emotional and Mental Health
Learn about the mental health disparities experienced by the Black community as a result of systemic racism.
- Addressing Law Enforcement Violence as a Public Health Issue | American Association of Public Health
- Adverse Community Experiences and Resilience: A Framework for Addressing and Preventing Community Trauma | Prevention Institute
- Behavioral Health Equity for Black/African American People: Data, Reports, and Issue Briefs | SAMHSA
- Black & African American Communities and Mental Health | Mental Health America
- Double Jeopardy: COVID-19 and Behavioral Health Disparities for Black and Latino Communities in the U.S. | SAMHSA
- Free Racialized Trauma Course | Cultural Somatics Institute
- Free Therapist-Led Support Group for Those Affected by Racial Trauma | Talkspace
- Healing the Hidden Wounds of Racial Trauma | Kenneth V. Hardy
- How Racism, Trauma, and Mental Health Are Linked | Christine Herman, PhD & Shardé Smith, PhD
- How Restorative Yoga Can Help Heal Racial Wounding |Gail Parker
- Mending Racialized Trauma: A Body Centered Approach A conversation between Rebecca Wong and Resmaa Menakem
- Racial Trauma is Real: The Impact of Police Shootings on African Americans | Dr. Erlanger A. Turner & Jasmine Richardson
- Racism is Trauma | Judith Sandalow, Executive Director, Children's Law Center
- Ring the Alarm: The Crisis of Black Youth Suicide in America | The Congressional Black Caucus Emergency Task Force on Black Youth Suicide
- The Link Between Experiences of Racism and Stress and Anxiety for Black Americans: A Mindfulness and Acceptance-Based Coping Approach | Jessica R. Graham-LoPresti, PhD, Tahirah Abdullah, PhD, Amber Calloway, MA, & Lindsey M. West, PhD, Anxiety.org
- The Link Between Racism and PTSD | Dr. Monnica T. Williams, Psychology Today
- The Trauma of Racism | New York University Silver School of Social Work
- Widening the Lens: Exploring the Role of Social Justice in Suicide Prevention - A Racial Equity Toolkit | Massachusetts Coalition for Suicide Prevention
Resources for Mental Health Providers
- Treating Mental Health in the Black Community Learn how you can better serve Black clients from therapists and trainers Donna Oriowo, PhD, LICSW, Shawan Worsley, PhD, LMFT, LPCC, and Michael Jones, EdS, LPC-S. Hosted by Ben Caldwell, PsyD, LMFT and Education Director at SimplePractice
- Improving Cultural Competency for Behavioral Health Professionals (Free Online Training) | HHS
- Understanding Racial Trauma-Informed Interventions | Alexandra Pajak, LCSW, Social Work Today
- Uncovering the Trauma of Racism: New Tools for Clinicians | Dr. Monnica T. Williams, Psychology Today
Taking Action Against Racism
Being antiracist requires ongoing, often difficult work. It’s normal and okay to make mistakes and experience feelings of guilt, discomfort, and sadness during this process. Remember that the work you’re doing is important and necessary, and to push through tough emotions.
- 13th: A documentary directed by Ava Duvernay on how the country's history of racial inequality drives the high rate of incarceration in America.
- 5 Tips for Being an Ally: A video by Francesca Ramsey (@chescaleigh).
- Being Antiracist: Information and activities from the National Museum of African American History & Culture.
- Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do by Jennifer Eberhardt
- How to Be An Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
- Ijeoma Oluo: "So You Want to Talk About Race" | Talks at Google: A video of a talk given by bestselling author of So You Want to Talk About Race, Ijeoma Oluo.
- Implicit Association Test (IAT) : An assessment to uncover subconscious biases you may hold.
- Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemptionby Bryan Stevenson
- Mindful of Race: Transforming Racism from the Inside Outby Ruth King
- Mona Chalabi: An Instagram account with visual representations of data on social issues, including race.
- Racism and Violence: How to Help Kids Handle the News: A conversation between Kenya Hameed, PsyD and Jamie Howard, PhD of Child Mind Institute.
- Stamped from the Beginning The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi
- The Anatomy of White Guilt: A paper from the Unitarian Universalist Association.
- The Comprehensive Guide to Anti-Racism Resources: A guide for anti-racism supports — articles, videos, podcasts, books, films, resources for parents, and more — created by Sarah Sophie Flicker and Alyssa Klein.
- The Conscious Kid: An Instagram account and Patreon site with information on parenting and education through a critical race lens.
- The Cycle of Liberation: A chapter written by Bobbie Harro for Readings for Diversity and Social Justice.
- The Cycle of Socialization: A chapter written by Bobbie Harro for Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice.
- The Emotional Lives of White People : A paper from the Unitarian Universalist Association.
- The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindnessby Michelle Alexander
- The Racial Healing Handbook: Practical Activities to Help You Challenge Privilege, Confront Systemic Racism, and Engage in Collective Healing: A book by Dr. Anneliese A. Singh.
- Toward a Racially Just Workplace: A Harvard Business Review article by Laura Morgan Roberts & Anthony J. Mayo.
- When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir by Patrisse Khan-Cullors and Asha Bandele
Teach and Take Action
- 75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice | Corinne Shutack
- Addressing Race and Trauma in the Classroom: A Resource for Educators | The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
- Dismantling Racism: A Resource Book for Social Change Groups | Western States Center
- Racism and Violence: How to Help Kids Handle the News— Racismo y violencia: cómo ayudar a los niños a sobrellevar las noticias | Child Mind Institute
- Social Justice Resources: They're Not Too Young to Talk About Race | The Children’s Community School
- Social Justice: Resources for Talking with Your Children | Glazer Children’s Museum
- Talking About Race | National Museum of African American History & Culture
- Tolerance Lesson: Talking About Race and Racism (Grade Level 9-12) | Teaching Tolerance
Support and Donate
Organizations Supporting Black Mental Health
- Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective (BEAM) is a training, movement building, and grant making organization dedicated to the healing, wellness, and liberation of Black and marginalized communities.
- Eustress raises awareness on the importance of mental health in underserved communities, allowing individuals to identify and overcome challenges to achieve a healthier and productive lifestyle.
- Melanated Social Work shares mental health resources, information, and discussions created and curated by four men of color in the social work field.
- My Brother's Keeper Cares strives to remain a consistent support network that people can relate to and rely on within the urban environment.
- Project LETS The Trauma Healing Fund provides grants for Black people to access therapy.
- Sista Afya Community Mental Wellness sustains the mental wellness of Black women through building community, sharing information, and connecting Black women to quality mental wellness services.
- The Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation provides support for and brings awareness to mental health issues that plague the African American community.
- The Loveland Foundation provides financial support for therapy for Black women and girls.
- The Tupac Amaru Shakur Foundation addresses mental health conditions and eradicates the effects of trauma on the Black community by providing access to therapeutic resources, creative arts, and education designed to support mental health, physical wellness, and overall development.
Organizations Working Toward Racial Equity and Social Justice
- The Bail Project is a non-profit organization designed to combat mass incarceration by disrupting the money bail system ‒ one person at a time.
- Black Futures Lab works with Black people to transform our communities, building Black political power and changing the way that power operates—locally, statewide, and nationally.
- Blue Meridian’s Justice and Mobility Fund is a philanthropic collaboration that aims to boost economic mobility and improve the life trajectories of people impacted by the criminal justice system.
- Campaign Zero advocates for local, state, and federal lawmakers to take immediate action to adopt data-driven policy solutions to end violence and hold police accountable.
- Center for Policing Equity works to simultaneously aid police departments to realize their own equity goals as well as advance the scientific understanding of issues of equity within organizations and policing.
- Color of Change designs campaigns powerful enough to end practices that unfairly hold Black people back, and champion solutions that move us all forward.
- Demos is a dynamic “think-and-do” tank that powers the movement for a just, inclusive, multiracial democracy.
- GirlTrek is the largest public health nonprofit for African-American women and girls in the United States. With nearly 100,000 neighborhood walkers, GirlTrek encourages women to use walking as a practical first step to inspire healthy living, families, and communities.
- Movement for Black Lives is an ecosystem of individuals and organizations creating a shared vision and policy agenda to win rights, recognition, and resources for Black people. In doing so, the movement makes it possible for us, and therefore everyone, to live healthy and fruitful lives.
- The Equal Justice Initiative is committed to ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the United States, to challenging racial and economic injustice, and to protecting basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in American society.
- The NAACP Legal Defense Fund is America’s premier legal organization fighting for racial justice. Through litigation, advocacy, and public education, LDF seeks structural changes to expand democracy, eliminate disparities, and achieve racial justice in a society that fulfills the promise of equality for all Americans.
- The National Black Justice Coalition is a civil rights organization dedicated to the empowerment of Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and same gender loving (LGBTQ/SGL) people, including people living with HIV/AIDS. NBJC’s mission is to end racism, homophobia, and LGBTQ/SGL bias and stigma.
- Vera Institute for Justice works to urgently build and improve justice systems that ensure fairness, promote safety, and strengthen communities.
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